Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you provide your services?
We provide services within a one-hour radius of Denenchofu Station in Ota-ku, Tokyo.
For areas outside this range, please contact us. Depending on the situation, an additional travel fee may apply.
What are your business hours?
Our business hours are from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays.
Please consult with us regarding weekends and holidays.
Are the kitchens custom-made?
We offer custom kitchens tailored to your budget.
We also provide post-delivery repairs and maintenance (appliance repairs are handled by manufacturers), allowing you to realize your ideal kitchen while considering cost-effectiveness and ensuring long-term use.This option is particularly recommended for those who want features such as foreign-made dishwashers, faucets, and built-in ovens, or those seeking a space reminiscent of overseas dramas.

What interior styles are you specialized in?
We specialize in modern, chic, and natural interiors similar to those found in overseas interior magazines.
How do you propose art pieces?
We listen to your preferences and propose several options.
If you find something you like, we can guide you to galleries to view the actual pieces.
I don’t have time to manage my interior. Can I entrust everything to you?

Yes, that’s possible.

However, please understand that we require some time for the consultation process to meet your needs.Once the plan is finalized, you can relax until delivery.
If you wish to view actual furniture, we make showroom visits efficient.

When is the best time to make a request?
Custom-made furniture and curtains require at least one month for production.
For custom furniture, overseas orders, and custom kitchens, the process may take 3-4 months.
Therefore, it is advisable to consult with us before moving or renovating.Please feel free to contact us for an initial consultation.

What is included in the plan?
The plan includes a plan sheet and an estimate.
The plan sheet includes the concept, image, color scheme, and layout plan, along with a list of furniture, lighting, kitchen, and curtains.
To provide a more realistic feel, 3D images are also included. Based on these, we will engage in dialogue with you to create your ideal space. Please allow 2-3 weeks after the initial consultation for submission.